今天早上看Debbie Millman做了一个关于品牌设计理念的presentation. 每一年要听很多的preso,但这是一个让人很服气的演讲,把我之前想到一些并不能很好表述的杂乱观点点拨得很透彻。给不熟悉Debbie Millman的人,大致介绍一下她的背景,这位女士是全球品牌设计、品牌管理领域的真正教母级人物,史上最成功的Podcast节目之一<Design Matters>就是出自她手。
'Branding turns into belonging: belonging to a tribe, to a religion, to a family. Branding demonstrates that sense of belonging for both the people who are part of the same group and also for the people who do not belong.'
不得不感叹learn from the best,真是成长最有效的捷径。
'Branding turns into belonging: belonging to a tribe, to a religion, to a family. Branding demonstrates that sense of belonging for both the people who are part of the same group and also for the people who do not belong.'
不得不感叹learn from the best,真是成长最有效的捷径。