我以前认为Google翻译就足够好了,但看了几个人都推荐DeepL, 于是比较了下中译英,貌似DeepL更地道些。不知道有没有这方面专业人士能做个分析和比较,哪种翻译,算是好的翻译?
这是我平时吃的药片分装盒,一周七天,每天三次,共21个小盒子。 今天发现,它用来装螺丝钉这些小工具也挺方便的,而且,还好看。
This is the pill box that I usually eat, three times a day, seven days a week, a total of 21 small boxes. Today, I found that it is very convenient to install small tools such as screws, and it looks good.
This is my usual pill splitting box, seven days a week, three times a day, for a total of 21 small boxes. I found today that it's pretty handy for holding screws and other small tools, and, well, it's pretty.
我以前认为Google翻译就足够好了,但看了几个人都推荐DeepL, 于是比较了下中译英,貌似DeepL更地道些。不知道有没有这方面专业人士能做个分析和比较,哪种翻译,算是好的翻译?
这是我平时吃的药片分装盒,一周七天,每天三次,共21个小盒子。 今天发现,它用来装螺丝钉这些小工具也挺方便的,而且,还好看。
This is the pill box that I usually eat, three times a day, seven days a week, a total of 21 small boxes. Today, I found that it is very convenient to install small tools such as screws, and it looks good.
This is my usual pill splitting box, seven days a week, three times a day, for a total of 21 small boxes. I found today that it's pretty handy for holding screws and other small tools, and, well, it's pretty.